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HomeVolunteer Opportunities

"Those who can, do; those who can do more, volunteer." - unknown

No matter your interests and talents, there is a way for you to be involved as a productive volunteer.

Drivers’ services
•taking Villagers to and from doctor appointments

•taking Villagers to the hardware store or pharmacy, or other errands
•helping a Villager put away groceries

Practical services
•household tasks– from changing the light bulb in a ceiling fan, to putting away the laundry
•performing minor home repairs
•reading to Villagers with impaired vision

•friendly visits

•assistance with understanding vendor contracts

•minor assistance with gardening

Special-interest activities
•organizing activities/outings, group meetings, and interest groups
offering a seminar or workshop; facilitating a forum

Health and wellness assistance
•home visits and household assistance after hospitalization

•accompanying Villager on neighborhood walks
•daily telephone check-in calls

Office support and call management
•assisting in the Home In Place office, answering phones, managing email, and coordinating services for Villagers

•general office duties – filing, photocopying, data entry, mailings, outreach
•developing/coordinating special projects and social events

Technology and media
•limited tech support for computers, printers, tablets, smartphones
•standard applications involving email, text messaging, word processing, and digital photos
•social media – setting up Facebook, using FaceTime, Skype, Zoom
•assisting with Netflix, Hulu, and other TV-based applications

Serving on a committee  (committees to be named)

Quick Links

why volunteer?

volunteer application

general volunteer policies
volunteer eligibility and screening policy

volunteer driver policy